Planning Board

Communities respond to change. How we respond to change sets apart. Some prefer to avoid change altogether, taking steps to isolate themselves from anything that may change the status quo. Others find themselves surprised by change, confronted with problems that could have been anticipated. Newfields recognizes that social and economic forces continually influence our community, and that our individual and collective interests are best served through understanding, preparedness, participation, and planning.

Board Members

William Meserve -term ending March 2025
Michael Price -term ending March 2027
John Hayden-term ending March 2025
Jeff Feenstra-term ending March 2026
Jeff Couture, Chairman-term ending March 2026
Glenn Greenwood, Town Planner
Michael Sununu, Selectmen’s Representative-term ending March 2025


The Planning Board meets the second Thursday of each month at 7pm at the Newfields Town Hall.  If you wish to be placed on the agenda please contact the Town Office at 603-772-5070

Planning Board applications must be in 15 days prior to the meeting date to allow for time to notify abutters and publish notices. Abutters lists (including owner) must be submitted with 5 copies of the plans and a check made payable to the Town of Newfields - see fee schedule listed below. 

The Town contracts with Glen Greenwood to assist the Board with general planning services.  He attends the monthly meetings and is available by appointment to answer planning or zoning related questions.